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Finally, my website is up and ready (again). It’s the third iteration, with the first and second ones resting peacefully in GitHub repositories, which were more of a learning experience than serious blogging. This time I’m serious 😠!

Tools and technologies used πŸ› οΈ

Workflow βš™οΈ

I am using both markdown and r-markdown for writing posts and prefer the latter when there is a need for an executable R code. To support the R-html-widgets, a custom knit function is used that saves the dependencies in the assets folder and insert the code to load them at the end of knitted markdown files. In this way, we can avoid loading them on every page except ones using them for performance gains.

Performance πŸ’―

The theme of this website was already performant. There was some scope of gaining a bit more performance, which I did by creating custom fonts and serving the relevant CSS from a single main file. Finally, able to land the sweet πŸ’― spot in the google lighthouse audit.

Lighthouse audit
Lighthouse audit for the website in desktop mode (all green πŸ’š)

The source code is available at the GitHub repository.

