Hi there 👋

I am a PhD student at the National Institute of Technology Jalandhar. I did my BTech and MTech in Electronics and Communication engineering. In PhD, my work is towards the development of a low-cost biofeedback system.

My research interests lie in the design of biofeedback systems, using video games for biofeedback, wearable physiological sensors, and gamification. I am an avid supporter of open source technologies and used them for most of my projects. I like working on electronics hardware/software projects and learning new tools & technologies. My projects (including PhD work) are open source (see projects page for more). When not working, I like running and cycling.


  • ✉️ Email: clgsb@mdhaao.ukh.cihlnamnu unscramble
  • 🔑 PGP key ID: 065AFAF6 & key

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